Apostle Raquel R. Pinder

Raquel R. Pinder was born in Freeport Grand Bahama, Bahamas December 14 th , 1974,
to Reginald R. Pinder and Ernestine Johnson. At the age if 17 she declared her faith in
Jesus as the son of God and God as Lord over all. It was at this time her journey of
discovery of the Kingdom of God and becoming a “Daughter of the Kingdom” began.
Through many struggles, trials, failures and triumphs the call of God on her life could no
longer be denied. So, it was at the age of 34 she was licensed as a minister of the
gospel (Evangelist).

In 2012 she received her Pastoral license and was also consecrated as a Prophet, at
which time Kingdom Living Prophetic Worship Center was birthed with Prophetess
Pinder as its founder and leader. Kingdom Living Prophetic Worship Center has been
known for its community outreach efforts through Life Empowerment, which has at times
been hosted at libraries in the community, and Outreach Feeding Program (also known
as Kingdom gathering), which fed hundreds of people in and around the community on
a weekly basis. When the feeding program began in 2014 on 14th St. in Bradenton, she
partnered with the business owner (Tanya Johnson), to reach the homeless and the
poor and needy families. It is through the inspiration of KLPWC Outreach Feeding vision
that Freedom Gathering (founded by Tanya Johnson) was formed and has fed hundreds
of people and continues to reach hungry families today.

The mandate for Prophetess Pinder and that of KLPWC, is to direct God’s people back
to him, through ministering the Gospel of the Kingdom, and teaching and encouraging
persons to establish a Kingdom lifestyle while living here in the earth, using John 10: 10
as her and the ministries motto. This mandate is not just a local mandate, but a global
mandate. To aid in the achievements of this mandate, Prophetess Pinder is the owner of
KLPWC Kingdom Radio (Kingdom1010); A 24-hour Internet Radio Station. She is an
entrepreneur and strongly believes in Kingdom influence in all systems, including but
not limited to, the education, finance, government, entertainment, judicial, and medicine.
She has the strong belief in the unity of the “whole man” as it relates to the discussion of
“Church and State” and can often be heard saying, “there can be no separation of
churches and states because it takes people for there to be a church and it takes
people for there to be a state and as Kingdom citizens, we have an obligation and have
been empowered to affect both church and state naturally and spiritually. She believes
that because of an opposing mindset (church and state ought to be separated) our
nations are in its current chaotic and divisive predicaments.

On September 17th, 2023, Prophetess Raquel R. Pinder was confirmed to the office of
the Apostle and continues in her assignment to advance the Kingdom of God.